Centre for Nonlinear Mathematics and Applications
The purpose of the Centre is to focus, support and enhance our research activities in nonlinear phenomena, with a particular emphasis on integrable systems, dynamical systems, ergodic theory, stochastic systems, nonlinear waves, nonlinear partial differential equations, biological systems, waves and vortices in geophysical fluid dynamics.
The centre was founded in 2000 by Professor Roger Grimshaw.
Current Advisory Board
- Professor Mark Ablowitz (Colorado, Boulder)
- Professor Gennady El (Northumbria)
- Professor David Elworthy (Warwick)
- Professor Roger Grimshaw (UCL/USQ)
- Professor Konstantin Khanin (Toronto)
- Professor Edgar Knobloch (Berkeley)
- Professor Carlangelo Liverani (Rome Tor Vergata)
- Professor Beatrice Pelloni (Heriot Watt)
Current Management Committee
- Professor Anatoly Neishtadt (Director)
- Professor Wael Bahsoun (Deputy Director)
- Dr Karima Khusnutdinova
- Professor Alexander Veselov
- Dr Brian Winn
- The British Applied Mathematics Colloquium 2022 was held at Loughborough, 11-13 April 2022
- The 4th IMA Conference on Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures was organised by Loughborough, 7-9 July 2021 (online)
- Dynamics Days Europe 2018 was held at Loughborough, 3-7 September 2018
- Equadiff 2011 was held at Loughborough, 1-5 August 2011
- Dynamics Days Europe 2007 was held at Loughborough, 9-13 July 2007
The Centre has a strong track record in hosting workshops, training schools and collaborative meetings on nonlinear phenomena and its applications.
Recent and upcoming meetings
- Integrable Systems and Applications, Loughborough University in partnership with the Isaac Newton Institute, 12-16 September 2022
- Mathematical Challenges of Nonlinear Waves and Interfacial Dynamics, a collaborative workshop series in partnership with Bath and Imperial College funded by the UK Fluids Network, 2016 - 2020
- School on smooth ergodic theory and partially hyperbolic systems, Loughborough University, 15-18 April 2019
- Stochastic Dynamical Systems and Ergodicity: School and Workshops 2016 - 2018
- Dynamics, Patterns and Spatially Localised Structures, 21-25 March 2016
- Random Dynamical Systems and Ergodicity, 7-10 July 2015
- LMS-CMI Research School Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems, Loughborough University, 13-17 April 2015
- UK-Japan Winter School: Topology and Integrability, 5-8 January 2015
- Scattering Theory and Wave Equations, 16-18 June 2014
- LMS Regional Meeting, Loughborough University 16 June 2014
Ongoing collaborative meetings
- Classical and Quantum Integrability, a collaborative workshop series supported by the LMS
- East Midlands Stochastic Analysis Seminar, a collaborative workshop series supported by the LMS
- One Day Ergodic Theory meetings, a collaborative workshop series supported by the LMS
The Centre receives internal financial support from the School of Science and the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Loughborough University. Members of the Centre has a strong track record in attracting external funding from EPSRC, EU Marie Curie, The Leverhulme Trust, The LMS and The Royal Society.
Recent and Current External Funding
- A.Neishtadt (PI) The Leverhulme Trust, RPG-2018-143 Adiabatic invariance in two-frequency dynamical systems with separatrix crossing, 28 April 2019-29 April 2022. Total £141,243.
- T.Bartsch (CoI) HORIZON2020, TraX network, Stability and transitions in physical processes, 01 March 2017-31 October 2022, Total €630.000.
- M.Mazzocco (PI) EPSRC EP/P021913/1 Cluster algebras, Teichmüller theory and macdonald polynomials, 01 October 2017-30 September 2020. Total £370,542
- A.Archer (PI) EPSRC EP/P015689/1 Quasicrystals: how and why do they form? 01 June 2017-31 May 2020. Total £293,504
- E. Ferapontov (PI) EPSRC EP/N031369/1 Challenges of dispersionless integrability: Hirota type equations, February 2017-January 2020 Total £280,334.
- H. Zhao (PI) and C. Feng (CoI) Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowship, Ergodicity of Stochastic Dynamical Systems Under Nonlinear Expectations, 2016-2018. Total £96,000.
- W. Bahsoun (PI) The Leverhulme Trust RPG-2015-346 Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems: An Interplay Between Randomness and Determinism, 01 May 2016-30 April 2019. Total £126,818.
- E. Ferapontov (PI) LMS grant for the LMS-EPSRC Durham Symposium 2016 "Geometric and Algebraic Aspects of Integrability". Total £78,706.
- R. Smith (CoI) EPSR EP/M018210/1 Design and Maintenance of Nuclear Safety Systems for Life Extension (DaMSSLE), 01 December 2015-30 November 2018. Total £557,930.
- R. Smith (CoI) EPSRC EP/M018822/1 UNIGRAF: Understanding and Improving Graphite for Nuclear Fission, 24 August 2015-23 August 2018. Total £487,539.
- W. Bahsoun (PI) LMS-CMI (RS-10), to organise a school for research students and early career researchers at Loughborough, 13-17 April 2015. Total £31,000.
- W. Bahsoun (PI) The Leverhulme Trust IN-2014-021 Statistical Properties of Non-Uniformly Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems: Computer Assisted Proofs and Rigorous Computations, 01 October 2014-30 September 2017. Total £58,830.
- G. El (PI) The Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme, Dispersive regularisation of non-convex hyperbolic conservation laws. 2014 - 2016. Total £12,000.
- C. Garetto (PI) EPSRC EP/L026422/1 Hyperbolic systems with multiplicities, 01 October 2014-28 February 2017. Total £99,561.
- D. Tseluiko (CoI) EPSRC EP/K041134/1 The Mathematics of Multilayer Microfluidics: analysis, hybrid modelling and novel simulations underpinning new technologies at the microscale. 01 February 2014-31 July 2017. Total £461,979
- R. Smith (PI) EPSRC EP/K007882/1 Atomistic modelling and experimental verification of vitrified matrices for waste encapsulation, 01 January 2013-30 June 2016. Total £501,148.