Centre for Nonlinear Mathematics and Applications
The purpose of the Centre is to focus, support and enhance our research activities in nonlinear phenomena, with a particular emphasis on integrable systems, dynamical systems, ergodic theory, stochastic systems, nonlinear waves, nonlinear partial differential equations, biological systems, waves and vortices in geophysical fluid dynamics.
The centre was founded in 2000 by Professor Roger Grimshaw.
Current Advisory Board
- Professor Mark Ablowitz (Colorado, Boulder)
- Professor Gennady El (Northumbria)
- Professor David Elworthy (Warwick)
- Professor Roger Grimshaw (UCL/USQ)
- Professor Konstantin Khanin (Toronto)
- Professor Edgar Knobloch (Berkeley)
- Professor Carlangelo Liverani (Rome Tor Vergata)
- Professor Beatrice Pelloni (Heriot Watt)
Current Management Committee
- Professor Anatoly Neishtadt (Director)
- Professor Wael Bahsoun (Deputy Director)
- Dr Karima Khusnutdinova
- Professor Alexander Veselov
- Dr Brian Winn
Major events
- The British Applied Mathematics Colloquium 2022 was held at Loughborough, 11-13 April 2022
- The 4th IMA Conference on Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures was organised by Loughborough, 7-9 July 2021 (online)
- Dynamics Days Europe 2018 was held at Loughborough, 3-7 September 2018
- Equadiff 2011 was held at Loughborough, 1-5 August 2011
- Dynamics Days Europe 2007 was held at Loughborough, 9-13 July 2007