26 May 2015
Loughborough 11th in Guardian league table
Loughborough has risen to 11th in the Guardian University League Table, cementing its position as one of the UK’s leading higher education institutions.
In the national 2016 table, released today, we moved up four places ahead of UCL, LSE, Herriot Watt and East Anglia to improve on our 15th place finish in 2015.
12 courses are ranked in the national top 10, with six of those (Fashion and Textiles, Materials, Business, Design, Social Policy, Sport Science) finishing within the top five.
Chemistry and Art have made substantial leaps forward in the tables, claiming a top 10 spot for the first time in over three years.
The Guardian University League Table ranks the country’s 119 universities by scoring each institution for the aspects of university life that matter most to students, such as course and teaching satisfaction, staff to student ratio, spend per student, average entry tariff and employability.
Vice Chancellor Professor Robert Allison said:
“I am delighted Loughborough has improved its standing in this important league table which bases its results on the factors that matter to students.
“We are continually working with the Students’ Union and colleagues across campus to improve the student experience and provide excellent value for money for our students. Today’s result is testament to the hard work that has taken place, and I congratulate everyone who has helped us get to this position.”
The high Guardian ranking is the latest in a string of successes, including University of the Year in the What Uni Student Choice Awards 2015, and 2nd place in the 2015 THE Student Experience Survey.
There have been small alterations to the methodology for 2016 - click here to read about the process behind the Guardian University Guide.
The full League Table results are available on the paper’s website.