20 Oct 2015
Graduate wins UK’s Best Young Railway Researcher
The Rail Research UK Association (RRUKA) and Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Railway Division have announced graduate, Samuel Bemment, as the UK’s Best Young Railway Researcher.
The competition, now in its second year, celebrates the work of a young rail professional or early career researcher, whose work has the potential to make a significant difference to GB rail.
Having graduated with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering, Samuel joined the rail industry working as a Research Associate within the Control Systems Research Group at the University.
Judges were unanimous in their decision to award him with the 2015 prize for his outstanding submission on the Repoint project. Repoint is a robust and reliable points mechanism developed by engineers at Loughborough, which will improve safety, reduce maintenance costs and boost capacity on the railways.
Supported by the UK Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), Repoint is the result of work carried out with industry experts into improved switches to override track switch failures which can lead to train derailment.
Samuel will present his research at the RRUKA’s upcoming annual conference on 5 November in London.
Click here to read more about Repoint.