Arts and Music Scholarship Q&A (online) (morning)

  • 10-11am
  • Online (Microsoft Teams)
  • Free
  • Students only
8 students against an orange background

Booking information

Booking is not required. Login using the details on the right.

Contact information

LU Arts
01509 222948

Scholarships are open to all current Loughborough University students (UG, PGT and PGR) from our East Midlands and London campuses.

The scholarships support any art form including all forms of music, creative writing, dance, drama, photography, film and art. Each scholar will receive a £200 cash prize and the chance to apply for additional funding to develop your talent further. This support might include one-to-one tuition, mentoring, attending training or industry events.

The deadline for applications is Monday 21 October 2024. You can find out more about the scholarships and download an application form from the Arts and Music scholarships page.

To help you with your application - or decide whether or not you think you should apply - we're running this online drop-in event. This is a chance to ask any questions you might have about the scholarships and the application process. You might want to check your eligibility to apply, discuss your ideas (particularly for the type of support/mentoring you might ask for), ask about what supporting evidence to include or find out more about the selection process.

You do not need to join for the whole meeting and it doesn't matter if you are late joining us - stay for as little or as long as you like to get the help you need.

This event will be held on Microsoft Teams and the login details are below.

Microsoft Teams login details

Meeting ID: 386 824 360 40 
Passcode: GbfuNC

Join the Teams meeting


If you have any access requirements or anything you would like us to be aware of when running the event, please let us know via email or call 01509 222948 in advance and we will do our best to accommodate them.