Rights and responsibilities

This includes personal data that has been collected when administering processes that relate to the University Ordinances and Regulations (Student Discipline, Academic Misconduct, Academic Appeals). Most of this data is held centrally, however, some data may be held locally as a result of input from Schools and Services into the wider process.

Data location

Data to be managed centrally in non-corporate ad-hoc systems (spreadsheets, databases etc)


Data to be managed centrally in corporate systems, as specified by Data Location. Where data is held locally, it is to be disposed of in line with the retention period, in the following ways:

Electronic copies: Deleted and double deleted from local locations.
Hard copies: Disposed of using the confidential waste process.

Personal data (including sensitive health data, crime reference data)

Fields Data retention period

  • Academic misconduct - minor Last action + 1 year, then archived for six years (statutes and limitations)
  • Academic misconduct - major Last action + 1 year, then archived for six years (statutes and limitations)
  • Appeals Last action + 1 year, then archived for six years (statutes and limitations)
  • Complaints (informal/formal) Last action + 1 year, then archived for six years (statutes and limitations)
  • Student discipline data  - Section 2 (Luke V)  Last action + 1 year, then archived for six years (statutes and limitations)
  • Student discipline data - Section 3 (Chris D) Last action + 1 year, then archived for six years (statutes and limitations)
  • Investigative information Last action + 1 year, then archived for six years (statutes and limitations)