High-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling System (HiPIMS)

HiPIMS is a high-performance modelling suite for simulating different types of flooding, rainfall-induced hazard chains and other relevant processes.

The core of HiPIMS solves the fully 2D shallow water equations using a shock-capturing Godunov-type finite volume numerical scheme and is implemented on multiple GPUs to achieve high-performance computing. HiPIMS is built on robust numerical methods that have been continuously developed for over two decades by academics and researchers from HEMLab, initiated and led by Prof Qiuhua Liang. A range of innovative simulation approaches have also been implemented and coupled to HiPIMS to achieve multi-process modelling to support ‘whole-system’ hazard risk assessment and management.


Solving the full shallow water equations (SWEs) on dynamically adaptive quadtree grids

Solving the SWEs on a new simplified adaptive grid system

NewChan based on pre-balanced SWEs and new schemes for complex topography & wetting/drying

Rewriting NewChan using OpenCL; high-performance computing on multi-GPUs and multi-nodes

CUDA implementation for tsunami and flood modelling on a single GPU

GPU-Accelerated Shallow water flow & Transport model: Extended to include sediment and pollutant transport

  • Liang Q, Hou J, Smith LS (2015) An efficient hydrodynamic modelling system for predicting flood induced geomorphological processes. The 36th IAHR World Congress, 28 June – 3 July 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands.

CUDA implementation for multi-GPUs computing. New numerical methods for more stable and accurate overland flow modelling

Hybrid Python and CUDA framework for multi-GPUs & multi-node simulations

New mathematical and coupled modelling framework for flow-like landslide simulations

Coupled model for drainage modelling with CUDA implementation across multi-GPUs

Modelling interactive flood waves into underground space

New coupled hydrodynamic-DEM model for floating debris

Modelling flow through hydraulic structures

Particle-based approach for full-process non-point source (NPS) pollutant modelling

Novel CHANS modelling framework for interactive human and flooding processes

  • Qin H, Liang Q, Chen H, De-Silva V (2023) Development of a Coupled Human And Natural Systems (CHANS) Modelling Approach for flood risk assessment and reduction. (To be published soon)

Modelling individual measures for Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)

  • Publication to be released soon.