Professional education

Equipping the next generation of leaders to find new ways of doing business.

Whether your organisation is looking to fill a skills gap, support decision-making or evolve its policies and practices, our courses will help you build the expertise needed to lead your teams towards greater levels of impact and success.

Our professional education programmes are designed for the future, covering a range of career-enhancing topics. You will have access to training that will help you achieve your individual purpose, while also helping drive change within your organisation.

All of our taught programmes include practical projects as well as guest lectures and workshops from industry partners. Students also have the opportunity to broaden their horizons through a range of extracurricular corporate masterclasses.

Level 7 apprenticeships

If you’re looking to enhance the expertise of your senior leadership teams across strategic areas of business, our apprenticeship programmes are a great option. Don’t forget, the Apprenticeship Levy can be used to fund these programmes.

Part-time master's programmes

We offer a range of part-time programmes to offer extra flexibility for students needing to balance their work and study commitments.

Short courses

We offer a range of short courses to help you access the latest insights in sustainable and purpose-led business. Our intensive short courses and masterclasses cover topics in depth and give you high impact ideas and best practice you can apply straight away in your organisation.

Need something more bespoke? We can tailor a course to address a specific challenge or priority in your organisation.

Let's work together

For more information about our professional education programmes, or if you’re interested in a bespoke course to address a specific need, get in touch.

Vicki Unwin Business Development Manager