How is hydrogen produced?

Find out how splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen can unlock the key to provide clean power everywhere.

First, water (H2O) is split into hydrogen and oxygen (O2) using renewable energy such as wind and solar.

An illustration showing solar and wind generators transferring energy to oxygen and hydrogen

Producing green hydrogen

The splitting process happens in an electrolyser which needs a constant supply of renewable energy, such as wind and solar which are intermittent. 

The process also needs a precious metal catalyst such as platinum or iridium.

Our combined battery-electrolyser uses 99% recyclable materials to store energy electrically in the battery and produce hydrogen gas.

Illustration of three flasks with a white circle in the background

Storing hydrogen

Green hydrogen production can hold the key to intermittent renewable energy, but hydrogen itself is tricky to store.

Storage as compressed gas needs large, heavy, high-pressure tanks. Solid-state materials can be used to store hydrogen in a safe and compact way.  

Illustration of a landscape with a town, sea, vehicles, wind turbines, power station and solar panels

Using green hydrogen

Stored hydrogen can be used to provide clean power everywhere to help us work towards the target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.