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Loughborough and Nottingham students playing rugby on the University rugby pitch.

Image Credit: Flynn Duggan Photography

Loughborough secured victory over Nottingham at this year’s IMS Varsity

On 8 May, Loughborough’s Intramural Sports (IMS) teams took on Nottingham University in a range of games across campus for the annual varsity battle, with Loughborough claiming their third consecutive title.

The event was a fantastic display of talent, determination, and sportsmanship from both sides, and we extend our gratitude to Nottingham for joining us in this exciting competition. Nottingham’s dedication and spirit contributed to making this event truly memorable. 

Sports played on the day included volleyball, badminton, hockey, tennis, rugby and many more. 

A student lunging to hit a shuttlecock with a badminton racket.Image Credit: Flynn Duggan Photography 

IMS is a free programme open to every Loughborough University student. It’s a great way to make friends and compete in a range of diverse and inclusive sports that will ensure you get the most out of your hall experience. 

IMS Varsity is not just about winning; it’s about friendly competition, positive student experiences and a sense of community with other universities. 

Congratulations to both teams, organisers, officials, and supporters for a fantastic display of teamwork throughout the day, making IMS Varsity 2024 an unforgettable experience. 

Find out more about IMS and how you can get involved. 

