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Rainbow illustration on a rainbow gradient background with 'Pride Month 2024' written in white text

Pride Month: A message from Loughborough’s LGBT+ Staff Network

June is coming up and that means Pride Month. As the LGBT+ Staff Network, we have planned a range of events across both of the University campuses to celebrate and bring awareness to all things LGBT+. We’d like to invite all members of the Loughborough community to join us!

What is Pride? 

On 28 June 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, New York, triggering days of unrest, riots and protests by the LGBT+ community who were frustrated by police harassment and brutality. In response, on 28 June 1970, the first Pride event took place in New York, followed by the UK’s first Pride festival in 1972. This is seen as a turning point in the fight for LGBT+ rights and the origin of the modern LGBT+ movement. 

Today, Pride Month is a time to come together to celebrate, advocate, protest, and unite for the LGBT+ community. It is an opportunity for LGBT+ people to come together to celebrate our community and be proud of who we are. We proudly support our University LGBT+ community and all the amazing students, staff and alumni who got us to where we are today. 

It is also a time to reflect on the challenges still faced by the LGBT+ community. Although great progress has been made, many LGBT+ people still face discrimination because of their gender or sexuality. As of 2024, marriage between same-sex couples is legally recognised in 37 countries. There are 64 countries that have laws that criminalise homosexuality (half of those countries are in the Commonwealth.) The UK government has recently proposed changes to Relationships, Sex and Health Education content in schools which would ensure that pupils are not taught about gender identity; PM Rishi Sunak has repeatedly made very public transphobic comments. In October 2023, the home office reported that recorded hate crimes against transgender people in England and Wales rose 11% in the preceding year. Closer to home, Loughborough University is currently considering a potential partnership with Saudi Arabia, one of around seven countries which maintain the death penalty for homosexuality. Such a partnership would raise significant questions over the ability of the LGBT+ Staff Network to represent all members of our University staff community, and the commitment of the University to them and their rights and freedoms. 

There is more we can do to improve the lives of LGBT+ people, be it on our campuses, across the UK and around the world. 

Pride Month events 

The LGBT+ Staff Network has planned a range of events across both the Midlands and London campuses to mark Pride Month 2024. There are opportunities to celebrate, protest, learn and get creative. Thanks to the LGBT+ Student Association, Events Team, Catering Team, EDI Services, Loughborough Sport and the Library, as well as our wonderful Network Committee, for their collaboration and support.  

See the full programme of events for Pride 2024.  

Pride March – Wednesday 5 May 

The highlight of the month is our Pride March. Starting outside the Students' Union, we'll hear from leaders of the Loughborough LGBT+ Staff Network and LSU LGBT+ Students’ Association, before setting off on a march around campus. Follow our rainbow bus as we march, dance, and chant our way around campus. Friends and allies welcome!  

See full details of the campus Pride March. 

About the LGBT+ Staff Network 

The LGBT+ Staff Network is fundamentally a community space for LGBT+ staff at the University. We strive to be champions of inclusivity and diversity by providing support for LGBT+ staff and influencing positive changes across the institution. Our goal is to work towards Loughborough University being a truly inclusive and safe environment for all LGBT+ people, across all of our campuses. 

Read about the LGBT+ Staff Network. 
