Research on Lecture Capture

What does research tell us about LC?

There has been an abundance of research conducted around the use of Lecture Capture.

Below is a summary of some of the most common findings of this research:

  • Many students access Lecture Capture recordings purely for revision purposes. This means that when looking at the analytics available through Panopto, you may see spikes in viewers at certain times of the year and less activity at other times.
  • Most students will not watch recordings in their entirety and are discerning about which, and how much they watch. This does not mean that recording all lectures is not useful as research and feedback suggest that the ability to select what they need from a library of recorded lectures adds real value.
  • Students frequently cite that they use recordings to write up notes after a Lecture so that they can be fully focussed on what their Lecturer is saying and don’t have to worry about ‘keeping up’ with notes.
  • It is very useful to be able to review and reflect information at a self-directed pace, especially when lectures cover new terminology and/or complicated material which must be remembered.
  • Students rarely see Lecture Capture as a replacement for Lectures and appreciate the routine and interaction of face to face contact
    For further details, please see the following sources:

Karnard, A (2013)

Sloman, L (2013)

Lecture Capture Literature Review