Our students created and presented artwork that represented the University’s strategic theme of Vibrant and Inclusive Communities.

Professor Charlotte Croffie, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion commented:

"Art has the ability to draw one in, to allow you to consider what is being said, through its very presence it can permeate thought and expression, it can be quite understated, or it can be explosive and vibrant regardless of its shape, it always tells a story.

“And that is what equity, diversity and inclusion is about. EDI tells us a story about who each of us are and how we fit into this kaleidoscope, one that sits within a global environment, that can create wonderful opportunities or put-up barriers that can stifle our ability to recognise, appreciate and value individuality and difference. However over and above this, the best evidence of a vibrant and inclusive community is how we demonstrate it in a live context, in the stories we tell, the sculptures we create, pictures we paint, who we include and how authentic they can be.”

The Vice-Chancellor and President of the University, Professor Nick Jennings added:

“Diversity plays a pivotal role in building vibrant and inclusive communities. It is through embracing our differences that we can truly thrive as a society. Art has a unique power to promote dialogue, understanding, and empathy among individuals from different backgrounds and experiences. The artwork showcased at this exhibition serves as a catalyst for conversations, allowing us to appreciate the beauty of diversity and strengthen the fabric of our community.”

Exhibition gallery