Emma Olivia Tracy

The Loughborough Community artwork
Emma Olivia Tracy, The Loughborough Community, marker and colour pencil.

This work represents the Loughborough University community, united by our talents and passions. On the steps of the iconic Hazlerigg Building, every AU sport is represented through an item that relates to their sport. Flags to represent Loughborough's vast international community are displayed, also referencing the many international student societies that provide a sense of community to these students. The doors are adorned with stickers and posters from the various communities that provide support to our students, like the LGBT+ society, LSU Media, and the Minorities network. Charlie the cat can also be found on the Korfball net.

There are no people shown in the artwork, as no two Loughborough students are the same, and trying to represent them this way would generalise them, or even attempt to fit them into a box. This artwork shows the unity of Loughborough's diverse student community, without creating a false image of what they should look like, and without excluding any of our students.