Izzy Facey

Cosmo the Chameleon artwork
Izzy Facey, Cosmo the Chameleon, Digital.

This piece consisting of a quirky chameleon, symbolises the uniqueness and beauty of every individual in our tight-nit community. Even though chameleons tend to blend in and avoid standing out, I see a certain beauty about this and how no person outshines another. Every single individual has their own distinct patterns but together we balance and support one another, creating a harmonious family in this small town called Loughborough.

Of course, I had to include one of the university’s staple pieces, ‘The Sport’s Tie’ to represent the underlying bases of the university’s success and reputation. This nicely contrasts with the quirky yet intelligent look of the chameleon to portray the university’s ability to successfully do both Sports, academia and of course the creative arts, which is certainly hard to achieve and one of our best-selling points as a university.

Overall, I have used a bright colour pallet and pop-art technique to express the bubbly and colourful environment that we have the privilege of being a part of.