Duman Bibi Samshad

Duman Bibi Samshad

The art piece I created for the exhibition portrays a magnificent tree of life, its roots deeply embedded in the earth, symbolizing the enduring strength and stability of the natural world.

Beside this magnificent tree stands a woman, her eyes filled with dreams and hopes for the future. This piece is not just a representation of my artistic expression; it reflects my personal journey from Mauritius to Loughborough University.

The cultural shift, the distance from home, and the challenges of adapting to a new environment all contributed to a significant adaptation phase. Every time, expressing myself through art, particularly using vibrant colours, proved to be a valuable coping mechanism. It allowed me to channel my emotions, navigate the complexities of my new surroundings, and find solace in the act of creation.

The tree of life in my artwork symbolizes the roots of my heritage, firmly grounded in my Mauritian upbringing. It serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience that comes from embracing one's roots while reaching for new heights. The woman in the painting represents not only me but also the countless international students who embark on journeys of education and self-discovery far from their homelands. What makes this artwork especially meaningful to me is the support I received from my housemates. Their kindness, understanding, and willingness to help me acclimate to a new culture and way of life were invaluable. Their friendship and assistance were fundamental in my journey towards creating a sense of belonging within the Loughborough University community.

Indeed, the artwork I created not only represents my personal journey but also emphasizes a broader message about the significance of education in fostering understanding and acceptance. It encourages us all to embrace the opportunity to learn from one another, to celebrate our differences, and to work together to build a world where acceptance and understanding are at the forefront.

In essence, my art piece encapsulates my personal evolution, the amalgamation of my roots, and my aspirations for the future. It also symbolizes the significance of community and the positive impact it can have on an individual's journey, especially in the context of an international student. Through my art, I hope to convey the message that with strong roots and a supportive community, we can stand tall, dream big, and create a vibrant, inclusive, and harmonious future at Loughborough University.

I am a PhD research student, I am based in the School of Design and Creative Art Department.