Registration and Payment

Registration for the Annual Conference is now open. Early-Bird reduced registration rates are available until 31 July 2024, with a concessionary rate available (for students, ECRs, unwaged or retired from employment), and discounted rates for BSG members.

To become a member of the BSG and enjoy a multitude of benefits, including reduced registration fees, go to the BSG website. The membership fee is £30 per year for full membership, £12 per year for students, £40 for four years for students and early career academics and practitioners, and £12 per year for unwaged or retired from employment.

The Full Conference package registration fee covers admission to the main oral and poster sessions, workshops, all coffee breaks, lunches, the ice breaker event on the Tuesday evening, and the conference dinner on the Wednesday evening.

The Day Conference registration fee covers admission to the main oral and poster sessions, coffee breaks, and lunch on that particular day only.

The pre-conference fieldtrip on Monday afternoon has an additional fee.