Portable equipment and software

The Centre for Mathematical Cognition has made significant investment to ensure the research laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and software.

Below you will find details of the portable equipment, audio and visual equipment and external software available for use. Please email cmc@lboro.ac.uk if you are interested in using any of the equipment for your research or if you would like information on any particular item.

Portable equipment:

  • Noldus Portable Lab – Primarily used for external Observation studies with the facility of Noldus Media Recorder software and Hardware packaged in a mobile case facilitating live and recorded video and sound recording in several locations
  • HTC VIve Pro Eye - Virtual reality headset combined with Tobii eye-tracking
  • Tobii Fusion – Tobii Screen tracker capturing up to 120Hz
  • Tobii X2-60 - Tobii Screen tracker capturing up to 60Hz
  • Tobii Glasses 3 - Tobii Real world lenses capturing up to 100Hz
  • Biopac – Psychophysiological Wired and wireless equipment and software capturing Galvanic skin response (GSR/EDA), Electromyography (EMG) and Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Shimmer Sensing - Psychophysiological Wireless equipment and software capturing Galvanic skin response (GSR/EDA), Electromyography (EMG) and Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Phillips Actiwatch 2 – Actigraphy Device and software providing Sleep quantity and quality monitoring and data.
  • Genee Multi Touch Table - Early Years Tilt & Touch and height adjustable 42inch table with in-built PC.

Audio and visual equipment

  • Touchscreen Laptops – HP and Dell Windows two in one touchscreen laptops
  • Tablets – Apple Ipads and Samsung Android tablets
  • Audio recording – Including Wired and wireless Microphones, Dictaphones, and semi-professional Podcasting Equipment
  • Video Recording, Including GoPro’s and handheld Video Recorders
  • Conference Recording – Including Owl and Poly video and sound captured and presented live

External software

  • Analysis – Mplus, CMA, Graphpad Prism, IRT Pro and Latent Gold
  • Survey – Qualtrics, Online Surveys
  • Observation - Noldus Media Recorder and Noldus Observer XT
  • Psychophysiological Platform Software – Imotions (data through eye tracking, galvanic skin response, facial expression analysis, EEG, EMG, and ECG on one platform)
  • Psychophysiological Independent Software – Imotions Biopac, ShimmerSensing, Imotions
  • Experimental Stimuli Presentation – Psychopy (Free), Pavlovia (Online), Gorilla.SC (Online) and E-prime
  • Transcription – Assisted Software such as Transana, Atlas.ti and Nvivo