
Double Beam Shear equipment

The DBS test has been developed with collaborating partners including material manufacturers, material testing equipment (Instron) and services (National Physical Laboratory) as well as aerospace designers and manufacturers (GKN Aerospace).

The methodology’s accuracy, reliability and industrial application has been demonstrated – and a draft DBS Test Standard was submitted to the International Standards Organisation in September 2013.

This submission has been accepted by the ISO Test Methods Committee for Composite Materials and awaits approval.

Loughborough University is now able to offer consultancy services spanning:

  • Double Beam Shear testing of materials, and comparison data for Short Beam Shear and Iosipescu – basic and detailed reports can be provided
  • modulus test analysis – basic and detailed reports can be provided
  • software licence for ILS modulus calculation of Double Beam Shear
  • provision of the jig design plans

The technology has successfully undergone proof of concept testing across seven independent sites with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), the Nuffield Foundation, and Loughborough University as well as industrial collaborators.