Joyful movement

Why do movement, physical activity and exercise make us happy?

What activities do you enjoy – and why do they make you feel so good (even if you don’t really feel like doing them sometimes)?

When we’re active and move our bodies, they release chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins create a positive feeling – making us feel happy, more relaxed and less stressed.

What’s really important is finding physical activities that we are intrinsically motivated to do. Intrinsic motivation means motivation that comes from within. In other words, the drive to do something because it's fun, interesting or satisfying.

If we find an activity that we love, we are more likely to do it, and keep ourselves happy and healthy!

So, whether you love aerobics, boxing, cycling, dancing, football, martial arts, netball, skateboarding, swimming or zigzag sprints this is why the exercise you enjoy helps to make you feel so cheerful – and healthy.

Illustration of someone in a wheelchair doing the boxercise activity

We like to move it, move it!

Try out our boxercise activity and talk to us about how to find joyful movement in your life.

Physical activity supports our health and wellbeing, but finding activity we enjoy makes us more likely to do it more often.

What are you waiting for - let’s find out how you like to move it, move it!