How to apply

Applications for an additional entry in October 2024 are now open. Places are very limited and early application is advised. Closing date is 25 June 2024.

Applications for the EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Future Propulsion and Power programme should be made via the Cambridge standard graduate admissions website.  The MRes in Future Propulsion and Power is only available as part of 4-year CDT in Future Propulsion and Power.  On successful completion of the MRes, students will begin the PhD phase of the CDT.

Applicants should specify they are interested in the FPP CDT programme in the Research Summary or Research Experience section.  You should also enter Loughborough University in either of these sections as your university preference for the PhD phase. The supervisor and PhD project are defined during the MRes year.

General enquiries about the CDT programme at Loughborough University should be made to the Doctoral Research Officer, Sharon Hayward-Fryer.