Closing keynote address at the Information and Records Management Conference (IRMS)

Tom Jackson and Ian Hodgkinson

Professors Jackson and Hodgkinson gave a rousing closing keynote address at the 2024 IRMS conference, highlighting the significant impact of future data creation growth on the planet. It marked a perfect close to what was a very inspiring and motivating conference – 'Tides of Change: Surviving and Thriving in a Sea of Information'.

At the heart of the conference theme was the role to be played by new ways of working and new technologies in the world of information management in the coming years. In an era where our collective digital presence is expanding at a rapid rate alongside the burgeoning metaverse, the true costs of digitalization loom large over industry, society and the environment. In their address, the pioneering professors navigated through this critical terrain, taking the audience on an exploration of the intersection of digitalization and sustainability, and charting a course towards a greener, more sustainable digital ecosystem.

The IRMS conference is a critical event in the information management calendar, where over 400 practitioners, compliance managers, senior executives and others from a range of organisations and industry sectors from the UK and beyond are brought together. Speakers at the conference came from a diverse and exciting range of organisations including the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, Ministry of Justice, Cabinet Office, Welcome Trust, Scottish Government, National Trust, and covering hot topics in information management such as data governance, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, digital preservation and environmental sustainability.