What you can do

Digital decarbonisation for net-zero by 2050 requires co-action at the policy, organisational and societal levels. Together we can reduce global emissions through sustainable digital practices.

There are lots of things you can do as individuals, organisations or policymakers to have a positive impact on tackling the problem of data carbon footprint.


  • As a policymaker, you can champion awareness and education.

Helping to shape policy discussion across the globe, we are actively engaging with national government departments, corporate leaders, and global policy bodies to help raise the awareness of the need for digital decarbonisation and to educate different stakeholders about the sustainability implications of technological advancements like AI.


  • Create a data carbon change in your organisation.

Our latest publications outline how poor data practices increase your digital carbon footprint. Through re-thinking your data, information and knowledge strategies, you can both optimise digital data and cut your carbon emissions.


  • As individuals, you can let them know that you know.

Raise awareness with your government, councils, businesses and organisations that you interact with. And let them know that you know. And think about your behaviour. You have a digital carbon footprint. IBM reports one person creates 1.7mb of data a second. That’s 10 full DVDs in a working day.

Talk to us

Make a positive change in your organisation and tackle your data carbon footprint by getting in contact with the team.

Talk to us