Visiting Professor Paul Davies


Pronouns: He/him
  • Visiting Professor in Integrated Systems Design


Paul  Davies is a Visiting Professor in the Systems Engineering Department of the Wolfson School, appointed June 2024. He was previously appointed under the Royal Academy of Engineering's Visiting Professor Scheme for Integrated Systems Design, at Loughborough, in 2007. He is semi-retired, but delivers courses part-time for Project Performance International, for Loughborough University, and for INCOSE. Previous employments include Head of Systems Engineering discipline at Network Rail Infrastructure Projects; 30 years with Thales rising to Technical Manager, Head of Innovations, Head of SE Research and Design Authority; and early experience in mathematical modelling and safety analysis at National Nuclear Corporation.

Qualifications and Key Awards

  • BA (Hons) Mathematics leading to MA, Trinity College, Cambridge University, UK
  • MINCOSE, Certified Systems Engineering Professional (INCOSE)
  • Former C.Eng (IET + INCOSE), now lapsed due to retirement

Main research and interests

  • Model-Based Systems Engineering: multimodel coherence
  • System architecture patterns
  • Systems Engineering value assessment

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Principal Module Tutor, Group Systems Project WSP085META
  • Supervisor and Examiner, PG Individual Projects in Systems Engineering WSP502META