
David Collett

Even though being catered and having to share bathrooms was not my first choice, I ended up loving it and decided to stay on for another year! I absolutely loved living in halls and if you asked any of my friends now, they would vouch for how highly I speak of David Collett and how much I loved my hall and my room.

DC was catered for breakfast and dinners on the weekdays and being catered was one aspect of hall life which I really grew to appreciate and looked forward to each day. Being in a catered hall meant that I was able to pop into the dining hall after a long day of lectures to a warm hearty meal. Portion size is great and options are varied, plus there are always halal, vegetarian, and vegan options.

A group of students standing together on a stage holding a David Collett hall flag.

Living in halls over two years allowed me to meet a diverse range of people who I would not have met otherwise. Doing a female dominated course such as Psychology, it allowed me to meet people outside my course and realise that boys do exist! I met some of my best friends through living in halls and eating in the dining hall, which was a great way to socialise and meet people as we bonded over food and filled our hungry bellies.

I joined my hall committee to be more involved with my hall. I really enjoyed getting involved with hall events like IMS, fundraising with RAG and volunteering with Action in my second year in halls. Your experience in your hall is what you make of it - if you have an open mind and say yes to opportunities, you will end up meeting the best people and having unforgettable experiences.