Student life in halls

While living on campus, you will be part of a hall community in a safe, secure and friendly environment.

We are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for each of you during your time in halls, helping you feel safe and supported throughout your time here.

There are a number of resources available to support you within your hall community.

Hall management team

Each Hall has a dedicated Hall management team (available Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm) who are there for any day-to-day enquiries, suggestions or concerns regarding your hall and flatmates. The Hall management team:

  • co-ordinate day to day cleaning and maintenance in your room/flat;
  • ensures your health, safety and security;
  • work closely with the Warden and hall committee to provide a seamless 24-hour support service.

Warden team

Each University Hall has a team of Wardens and Sub-wardens who provide a supportive and enjoyable environment for our student residents.

If you have any problems, either arising from within the hall or connected with any other aspect of student life, please contact your warden or sub-warden who will either deal directly with the issue or refer you to someone who can help. Any discussions you have with a Warden or Sub-warden will be in confidence.

Hall events and social activities

In each hall there are numerous fun activities organised for you throughout the year. The biggest of these activities are during fresher’s fortnight, where you will gain entry to events such as mini golf, big nights out and punch parties.

There are also activities throughout the year such as the Winter and Summer balls, the hall sport (IMS) programme and refreshers week.

Get involved with your hall community

Eating on campus

If you are a self-catered student, you are welcome to buy a meal in any of our seven catered dining halls on campus, which provide a complete range of food for breakfast, lunch and dinner with a variety of choices for health options and home cooked food.

Our shops, cafés, bars and hall dining, really do offer a fantastic range of options. Ranging from food on the go, to casual dining, there really is something for everyone and they span right across campus. These include:

Post, laundry, security

Looking for practical information about living in halls, like where to collect post, do your laundry or learn about our commitment to safety in hall? 

Life in halls guide