Book your place

This highly popular, free, event at Loughborough University is available to attend in-person and online.

Please note that bookings for in-person attendance closed at midnight on 12 June 2024. However, online attendance is unlimited.

Doctoral Researchers can book their attendance via the Doctoral College's Development Portal using the following links:

Staff and taught students (i.e., Master's and Undergraduates) can register their interest in attending the Summer Showcase via this link. Confirmation of your place will be shared in due course.

*Please note that spaces for in-person attendance are limited due to venue and catering capacity. If you would like to attend the event but are unsure if you will be able to attend in-person, please book to attend online instead. Similarly, if you book to attend in-person and are no longer able to attend, please cancel your place at the earliest convenience to allow someone the waiting list to attend.