Recruitment and selection of casual workers

The below provides an overview of the recruitment process for casual workers (with exception to External Examiners, one-off guest lecturers and University teachers).

The process begins within school/professional services recognising a casual worker is required. 

Note: appropriate approvals within school/professional services should be sought before carrying out any casual recruitment.  

Dashboard casual – casual worker, ad hoc, without contract and paid at bottom of grade e.g Student Ambassadors

  1.  School/Service – recruitment is managed locally or via Careers Network. School/Service complete selection process. 
  2. School/Service will send the successful individual/s a Casual Portal link to sign up to Casual Worker portal. 
  3. Individual completes portal application 
  4. Individual receives a notification to request them to contact HR to arrange  RTW check. 
  5. RTW check is completed by HR team or School/Department  
  6. If RTW completed by School/Service this will need to be emailed to 
  7. Recruitment team will match up the RTW check with the iTrent record.  If okay they will move individual along the process in the system. 
  8. HR Services receive a notification and complete applicant association and new starter process to complete the iTrent set-up. 
  9. Payroll receive a notification to attach individual to the Payroll. 
  10. Minimum of 24-hours from completion of set-up on iTrent before the individual will be live on Dashboard. 
  11. School/Service can then assign a job to the individual. 
  12. Individual completes work.  
  13. Individual submits timesheet via Dashboard as and when work is complete. 
  14. Department/Admin or authorised individual approves timesheet on Dashboard. 
  15. Payroll receive details of all timesheets that have been approved within the last month - up to 5pm on 5th of each month.  

Contracted casuals – individual is issued with an individual contract

  1. School/Service submit casual requisition request on iTrent 
  2. Recruitment team creates Casual requisition in iTrent which creates a link – link is sent to School/Service 
  3. School/Services sends link to individual 
  4. Individual completes casual application form on iTrent 
  5. School/Service raise a contract request and arranges for the RTW check to be complete.  
  6. Recruitment receive contract request and issue contract to the individual (this is only issued once the RTW is complete) 
  7. Individual accepts contract on iTrent  
  8. HR Services receive a notification and complete applicant association and new starter process to complete the iTrent set-up. 
  9. Payroll receive a notification to attach individual to the Payroll. 
  10. Minimum of 24-hours from completion of set-up on iTrent before the individual will be live on Dashboard. 
  11. School/Service can then assign a job to the individual. 
  12. Individual completes work.  
  13. Individual submits timesheet via Dashboard as and when work is complete. 
  14. Department/Admin or authorised individual approves timesheet on Dashboard. 
  15. Payroll receive details of all timesheets that have been approved within the last month - up to 5pm on 5th of each month.  

Large scale casual recruitment - e.g. Subject Ambassadors or Exam Invigilators

There will be certain times of the year where you do more of a large scale recruitment for casual workers, e.g. student / subject ambassadors or Exam invigilators. 

Where you have a request of more than 10 casual workers these should be progressed via the Casual Bulk Teams Channel.  The RTW checks should be saved in the respective folder for the school/service and the tracker used to ensure visibility for HR/Recruitment and the School/Service. 

If you need to discuss the process relating to bulk casuals further please speak to the Recruitment and Resourcing Team. 

The process will be the same steps as indicated for Dashboard Casuals, aside from how we receive the RTW checks and the tracker.