Conflict of Interest

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I'm unsure whether I have a Conflict of Interest?

If you're unsure, it's best to disclose the situation to your line manager and seek guidance.

I have declared a Conflict of Interest; do I need to declare it again? If so, when?

Yes, conflicts of interest should be declared promptly when they are identified, and then updated annually so that our records stay up to date.

I declared a Conflict of Interest, but the circumstances have changed, and the conflict no longer exists, what do I do?

Contact your line manager and explain to them that your circumstances have changed, and how they’ve changed. You should be able to provide any relevant documentation that supports this. We will require written confirmation that the Conflict of Interest is now resolved, and this will be logged on iTrent.

Is it possible to manage conflicts of interest without disclosing them?

No, transparency is crucial in managing conflicts of interest effectively. It's essential to disclose any potential conflicts to ensure proper management and accountability.

Can conflicts of interest affect my employment or academic standing?

Conflicts of interest themselves may not affect your employment or academic standing, but failure to disclose and manage them appropriately could have consequences.