The contact collection process

Who provides the contacts?

Data is gathered from the widest range of sources across the University, including Schools, professional services teams and the alumni database. Contacts are de-duplicated and approached for their consent to pass their data to QS, who will then mail them a survey.

Who are suitable contacts?

Any contact who fits the criteria below and is likely to mention Loughborough University in their responses.

The seniority of contacts and the status of their institution/ organisation does not impact the ranking- every vote counts, whether it is from a senior professor at a world-leading institution, or an early career researcher. You can provide more than one contact from the same institution. 

  • Academic contacts: e.g. peers, research partners, co-authors, former colleagues, alumni in academia, former PhD students, academics from MoU partnerships, Academic Editorial Board contacts, Research Council Advisory Strategy Teams, Visiting Fellows and LUEL contacts.
  • Employer contacts: e.g. industrial placement contacts, graduate recruiters, corporate sponsors of degree programmes, alumni, industrial advisory board contacts, any contacts who might be in middle / senior management positions who are likely to have contact with university graduates in a professional capacity.

Who are NOT suitable contacts?

Retired contacts- unfortunately these are excluded by QS but if they hold another post after retirement form an industry/ academia, they can be included (e.g Emeritus Professor).

Loughborough staff- this includes any contact with address

Should I submit UK and/or International (non-UK) contacts?

Responses from international contacts hold a greater weight for the Academic Survey (85% vs 15% for UK contacts) but both UK and International contacts can be submitted.

For the Employer survey, responses from International contacts carry the same weight as UK contacts.

The following countries were identified as the top voting countries for Loughborough in the last five years of the academic survey: Australia; USA; Canada; Italy; New Zealand; Ireland; Japan; Malaysia; Finland, Ireland, China, Jordan. If you have additional contacts in these countries, please do include them.

What about data protection

Explicit consent is requested from nominated contacts for their names, business/academic information and email address to be shared with QS, who administer the surveys.

This consent will be recorded by Marketing and Advancement. Declined consent, bounce backs, unsubscribes etc will also be recorded to manage / eliminate this data from QS approaches going forward. Those contacts who decline consent or unsubscribe should not be mailed again for QS purposes.

What happens if we submit the same contacts as another School or department

The data is de-duplicated before an approach for consent is emailed.

What should I do if the QS email did not reach my contact last time?

If an email has bounced and did not reach your contact, you should check that there are no typos in the email and whether that is still a valid email address for that person. Email platforms used to send QS communications are likely to reject previously bounced email addresses if mailed again.