Loughborough Bursary for Unpaid Placements (LBUP) 2024/25


45 bursaries of up to £3,667 have been made available by the University to support UK undergraduate students who are in receipt of the Loughborough University Bursary (LUB) to enable access to unpaid placements which persist in various highly competitive industry sectors.

Terms & Conditions

1. Assessment of Student Eligibility


Students must be registered on a Part I route for academic year 2024/25 and registered on a full-time programme of study at Loughborough University to be eligible for LBUP. The data used to make this assessment is gathered by the University at application and registration stages.


Students in receipt of the Loughborough University Bursary (LUB) bursary for the year 2023/24 will be eligible to be considered for LBUP. Please refer to the LUB terms and Conditions for further information.


In the event of having more than 45 students eligible for LBUP, priority for allocation of the funds will be given to students in the following order:

  • Students of Black African, Caribbean and South Asian (Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi) heritage. Students from this group have been prioritised as a positive action response to data indicating that they have lower odds of achieving a higher degree class than other students. Completing a placement year has a statistically positive impact on students’ chances of obtaining a higher degree class. (Further information can be found in Loughborough University’s Access and Participation Plan)
  • Students from the lowest household incomes in line with the Loughborough University Bursary (Household income of £25,000 and under).


Students whose circumstances change to mean that they no longer continue to meet all eligibility criteria, including but not limited to withdrawing from their programme of study or taking a leave of absence, will not be eligible for further LBUP payments.

2. Assessment of Financial Eligibility


Students in receipt of the LUB in the year prior to their placement year (e.g., Part B on a Parts (F)ABIC route or Part C on a Parts (F)ABCI(D) route will be automatically assessed for their eligibility.


Any student has the right to request a review of their circumstances by the University. An email should be sent to future.talent@mailbox.lboro.ac.uk stating the reason why a review is required along with any associated evidence. Example: a student whose household income or LUB status is being reviewed by Student Finance or the university and was not made available

3. Assessment of Placement Eligibility


Students must have secured an unpaid work-based placement(s) and have it confirmed and authorised by submitting relevant information* about the placement(s) to their School Placement Team by the 27th September 2024.

*Relevant placement information which must be submitted to the Placement Team (for each placement):

  • Host organisation name
  • Host organisation address
  • Placement start date
  • Placement end date
  • Satisfactory student risk assessment
  • Confirmation the placement is unpaid

N.B. A completed Host Organisation Declaration Form (HODF) is required from the placement organisation by the Placement Information Submission Deadline (27th September 2024 and prior to the start of your placement. This will be requested via the relevant School Placement Team.

If all 45 bursaries have not been allocated after the first Placement Information Submission Deadline, checks will be carried out to find any other eligible student that has secured a placement since the first Placement Information Submission Deadline and efforts made to allocate them a bursary in line with the eligibility criteria outlined in Sections 1 and 2. Students will be paid the first and second instalment together on the second bursary instalment date (please see Section 5).


Students are required to submit the relevant information referred to in Paragraph 3.1 for each placement they have secured by the Placement Information Submission Deadlines indicated in Paragraph 5.2 below.


Students are required to submit the relevant information referred to in Paragraph 3.1 for each placement they have secured by the Placement Information Submission Deadlines indicated in Paragraph 5.2 below.


Unpaid Placements which include travel expenses and/or limited subsistence, or include neither, will be considered for the purposes of the LBUP awards.


Placements for which a student will receive funding from the Government Turing Scheme will not be considered for the purposes of the LBUP awards.


Unpaid Placements which provide fully funded accommodation will not be considered for the LBUP awards.


Placements for which students receive a Loughborough University or other stipend will not be considered for the LBUP awards.


Placements for which a student receives commission only as a form of remuneration will not be considered for the purposes of the LBUP awards.


Study placement periods will not be eligible for the LBUP awards. This does not include students completing a study and unpaid work placement, such as the 6+6 scheme who will be paid pro-rata for the number of weeks of unpaid work declared and approved.


Students completing the Placement Year in Enterprise will be considered for the purposes of the LBUP awards subject to meeting the eligibility criteria set out in the Terms.


Students must have submitted information about a minimum of a 25-week eligible unpaid placement/s or still have sufficient time prior to the end of the 2024/25 academic year to complete a minimum 25 weeks of eligible unpaid placement/s. Please note the expectation as detailed in University Regulation XI is that students complete 35 weeks of professional training and that any LBUP bursary will be paid on a pro-rata basis.


4. Bursary Award Process


Part B or C students on an ABIC or ABCID route, who receive the LUB (have a household income of £25,000 or under) in 2023/2024 will automatically be considered for the bursary.


Student eligibility will be assessed by the University in the following order to award the


Students’ route as outlined in Paragraph 1.1


Students who meet eligibility criteria outlined in Paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3


Students’ application for Student Finance as outlined in Paragraph 2


Students who meet placement eligibility criteria outlined in Paragraph 3


Student eligibility will be assessed at the intervals stated below in Paragraph 5.2. Students who meet the eligibility criteria above will automatically be paid each instalment amount. The monetary amounts can be found in Section 5.


Once all LBUP funds have been allocated, no more bursaries will be awarded.


If there are unused bursary funds remaining after the third instalment is paid, a top-up payment of the remaining funds will be paid equally to all bursary recipients and the amount will be confirmed after the third instalment has been made.

5. Payments


An individual bursary amount of up to £3,667 is available to each LBUP award holder. This will be paid by bank transfer in three instalments via the University. Payment dates could be subject to change as they are dependent upon third-party payment administration. Payments will be made pro-rata for the number of weeks of unpaid work placement a student has declared and had approved at each Placement Information Submission Deadline below (please see Paragraph 5.2).


LBUP payments will be made as per the table below (dates may vary slightly dependent upon processing times):

Placement Information Submission Deadline Estimated Bursary Payment Date Maximum Proportion of LBUP Monies Paid at each instalment
27th September 2024 7th October 2024 50%
25th January 2025 3rd February 2025 25%
22nd April 2025 29th April 2025 25%


If any LBUP award is made as a result of the provision of inaccurate information by the student, the University reserves the right to recover the award made.


Payment will be made to the bank account provided to the University using Student Self-Service. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure their bank details are correct.


Students who do not provide their bank details cannot be paid the LBUP. Students who do not provide their bank details by 18 June 2025 will have their LBUP award cancelled.

6. General conditions


Students who receive funds through LBUP agree to complete the Graduate Outcomes survey after graduation.


Students who receive funds though LBUP must complete a bursary evaluation form which will be sent to them (typically) midway through their placement year.

Last updated: 30th July 2024