Key contacts

Rob Sparks

Rob Sparks

Director of Maintenance, Engineering and Sustainability

Elliott Brown

Elliott Brown

Sustainability Manager

Nik Hunt

Nik Hunt

Environmental Manager

Greg Watts

Greg Watts

Energy Manager

Jenny Sawbridge

Jenny Sawbridge

Energy Technician

Megan Ward

Megan Ward

Sustainability Officer

Lottie Ambridge

Sustainability Assistant

Fay Mapplethorpe

Energy & Utilities Administrator

Professor Daniel Parsons, PhD, PDip.

Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, University Wide Strategic Sustainability Lead

Professor John Downey

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Climate Change & Net Zero)

Dr Kathryn North

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Climate Change & Net Zero)

Kaz Setchell

Kaz Setchell

Gardens Manager and Biodiversity Lead

Rich Fenn-Grffin

Rich Fenn-Griffin

Assistant Gardens Manager and Biodiversity Lead

Rainer Fernandes

Sustainable Lab Technician