Tegan Hargreaves

Coach Coordinator & AU Women's Basketball Club Chair


Tegan has been a major part of the Women's Basketball Programme at Loughborough through her role as the AU Club's Chair, working tirelessly to improve the experience for club memebers and coaches. On top of that Tegan became one of the first Coach Coordinators as part of a new project the CVA launched in partnership with the Athletic Union to understand the needs and support the AU Coaches.

Tell us a little bit about yourself (hobbies, interests and background):

I have two older brothers who were always playing sport and they are probably the reason why I love playing sport but also why I am so competitive. Playing sport is a big part of my life and my mental health management. I started playing competitive sport during my time at Frankfurt International School in Germany. FIS had many opportunities and the support allowed to develop as an athlete and a person. 

How did you first get involved in volunteering within sport at Loughborough?

My first volunteer role within sport at Loughborough was the Women's Basketball Chair. After being in this role for a couple of week the floodgate of Loughborough Sport open. I discovered many amazing opportunities through the CVA. The CVA has been an integral part of my Loughborough experience, not only advertising opportunities, rewards for logging hours but also supporting me in my journey. 

During your years at Loughborough what have you got involved in through volunteering within sport?

I have been a major part of the Women's Basketball program at Loughborough and have worked tirelessly to improve the club for the coaches and players. I love being part of the basketball club and being the chair has been a great honour. I applied to be a coach coordinator as I felt the work was really valuable for myself and for the relationship between coaches, the AU and the CVA. Although the role of coach coordinator was not easy during the pandemic, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I could see how important the role is for the support and success of coaches. 

What has your experience volunteering been like whilst at Loughborough?

Being chair and coach coordinator was not always easy, as struggles such as the pandemic, building relationships and availability arose. However, I believe that I was still successful in my roles and have brought beneficial information and change. I have enjoyed being part of Loughborough Sport and therefore, I am continuing my journey by being the new AU Exec Coach Officer. 

How has being involved with Loughborough Sport helped you develop and progress (personally and professionally)?

I have learnt many skills through my volunteer role. The main development is building better relationships will all different kinds of people. My roles have allowed me to reach out to people I would not normally know and create those long term relationships. My organisation and time management skills have also been tested. These skills will help me in future jobs.