Santander X Explorer Programme

What is Santander X Explorer Programme?

A chance to:

  • Develop creative thinking skills geared towards building solutions.
  • Identify your goals and values, explore your limits, and understand your potential.
  • Learn to understand and empathise with your potential clients’ needs.
  • Discover and learn the latest techniques and tools for communicating with your audience(s).
  • Learn soft skills that will help you succeed in any professional field.
  • Connect with other like-minded people.


Further info:

  • Applications are open and close on the 12th December.
  • The programme is free for participants and has unlimited places for the UK – so any students who want to take part can if you apply!
  • Participants also get mentoring by experts; you validate your business idea and develop the necessary skills to transform your idea into a viable and sustainable solution.
  • You will gain access to a global community of entrepreneurs.
  • Participation certificate for everyone who completes the programme and all activities.
  • Offers the chance to be selected as one of our global ‘Explorer Fellows” and go on an immersive trip for one week in Europe.
  • 8-10 hours per week (estimated if participate in all activities) over 12 weeks.
  • Programme starts 29th January – 28th April 2024
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