Elvyn Richards/ Village Restaurant Transformer and LV Panel Upgrade. - 10th - 29th of July 2024

Posted: 21 May 2024

Ariel view of V Restaurant & Library

Description of the Works

Due to the age of the electrical infrastructure the transformer at sub 4 and the LV panel in the plant room at the Village restaurant are to be replaced. The project will be running from 3rd of June 2024 to the 16th of August 2024.

There is to be an electrical shutdown between Wednesday the 10th of July and Monday the 29th of July 2024 this will turn off the electricity to the Village Restaurant (432), Royce Blocks 15 to 24, and the Telford Smart Room. There will be a temporary generator located near to the Royce Blocks to supply the critical services during the shutdown.

There is to be a site compound located between Village restaurant and Pilkington Library as shown in the drawing. 



Project to run between Monday the 3rd of June to Friday the 16th of August 2024. The Village restaurant is to be closed between Monday the 1st of July and Friday the 2nd of August 2024.

Electrical Shutdown of the Village Restaurant, Royce Blocks 15 to 24, and the Telford Smart room is to be between Wednesday the 10th of July and Monday the 29th of July 2024.

How can I get more information and help?

The Estates and Facilities Management team member looking after the task is detailed below and can be contacted about any difficulties experienced because of these works.

Alan Pendery – Assistant Electrical Engineer

Mobile:  07895331866

Email: a.pendery@lboro.ac.uk